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Showing posts from December, 2018

A daily chores; Laundry...

It past 4 pm on this Saturday afternoon. Just done the laundry; washing done, and the load are in the Dryer. While waiting for it to dry I am whiling the time at the Serambi reading and Surfing the Net. Outside it looks like it going to rain. I could hear the sound of the distance thunder. The weather is getting cooler and I believe it would rain soon. Near me Tam the mother cat is sleeping on her favourites chair while Kenet is in a Box that I got yesterday for them to play; you know cats love to play in the box. At 10 minutes to 5 pm the load in the Dryer had dried. I took it out and got it folded and put it in the cupboard. The one that need ironing would be send to the Laundry nearby for ironing with the other pieces from past drying. At this age there are only two of us in the house all the time; the kids and grandkids come over only from time only. We do not have maid except the maid from our daughter's house would come to do the heavy cleaning. Other daily chore we did it...

Of Teh Tarik.....

It past 6 pm. It is getting dark and the sky cloudy. It has been raining lightly since afternoon. I like this kind of weather. It kept the atmosphere cool. I am enjoying the day passes by at the Serambi reading and surfing the net accompany by the two cats Tam and Kenet. Well folks that is an episode of life in the golden years.  One a second thought; it would be just nice to have a hot steamy glass of Teh Tarik.  Teh Tarik is a special tea concoction that is Malaysian. It is a mix of condense milk and hot tea. The image on the left shows the Teh Tarik at the Mamak restaurant nearby. This is the real Teh Tarik. It is served in the proper glass and taste like a Teh Tarik should be. Not like the one a friend and I had at the restaurant in the Village 2 at Bangsar the other day. It was served in a sort of a wine glass and did not taste like Teh Tarik should be. I know because at the restaurant of my late dad I used to make many cups of Tea and Condense me. It those ...

Father's vision....

The Serambi [patio] at my home is where I often sit alone to read, have coffee or just to while the time away. It is here where my thoughts would wonder along and at time past memories would come flooding back. Yesterday on that beautiful Monday afternoon December 17, 2019 sitting alone at the Serambi  these thoughts came to mind. It about my late dad who despite being illiterate send all his children to school. It is because of his vision that all his children got educated. Personally, my personal success in life is because of that vision of him, schooling is the only way for a better quality of life. Thank you, dad and mom, for doing the right thing for us your kids. Alfatihah.  The image on the left shows the family with me one years old on the lap of my dad.  Have a nice day.

Lunch at Bangsar...

That day December 12 at 11 am on a cloudy Wednesday morning, for a change I went to Bangsar for a lunch appointment with a friend there. Bangsar is rather far away from where I live in Ampang. Actually, Ampang Jaya the housing area is in Ulu Kelang and Bangsar is on the other side of the city of Kuala Lumpur. One had to drive across the city to get there. So, it not normal that I would go there for lunch. I had my kid's driver to sent me there since I no longer drive across the city. I have been to Bangsar a number of times and I like the stores there. Most stores are of a different concepts than those at Suria KLCC. Just after 12 pm my friend arrived, and we went to look for a place to have lunch. We end having lunch of Mee Mamak at a high-end restaurant call Citrus. It turns out the Mee Mamak was really good but the Teh Tarek was not to my liking. After my friend left, I shop around and saw an item I like and on impulse bought it; it was really nice and I loved it. I have...

The Kenanga...

The Kenanga flowers in front of my house. The tree is more than 45 years old. I got the young plant from a friend in Terengganu and planted it outside my fence. It grew tall but I kept trimmings it so that it did not grow too tall, as well let it kept blooming throughout the years. The flowers give a fresh soothing fragrance that reaches my Serambi. Friends and strangers often ask for the flowers and I always obliges. In fact I have wakaf the flowers so that folks are free to take it wherever they need it especially for medicinal purposes. Many ask for seedling but this is one plant that is not easily to propagate. It got no seed thus the only way is to bud grafted it and even that it not easy. I have successfully done it and given the young plants to relatives and friends. Well folks I love this plant and it does served us well.. The Kenanga!  Have a nice day.

December's Rambling...

  Ā·   Woke up to a beautiful day in December 2018. Good Morning from Pak Idrus's Serambi.[image above] This morning my two cats Tam and Kenet give me another dead Mouse. I believe in appreciation for giving them a treat of Wet Food other than the dry biscuits. It felt really good to know that animals know how to thanks the hand that feeds them. A beautiful life indeed. Thanks Tam and Kenet. I was sitting at the Serambi and saw the workers from the local authority the MPAJ are cutting the grass in front of the house and it smell real good. I love the smell of freshly cut grass. It a free fragrance that nature gives us from time to time. That is why we must keep as much green around the house. It our source of fresh and free oxygen for our specie to survived on planet earth. I believe that the space at my Serambi have excellent vibes. The reason I am saying this is that I felt very comfortable sitting there and while the times awa...