Kepyok; that is what our daughter Lin say they
are taking us on a short retreat on February 4th 2017 to celebrate our 55th
Anniversary. The name sound mystic and to me it had to be Javanese but I am not
that sure; I thought to myself that I would soon find out what this Kepyok is
all about. Artistic thoughts always excite me for I love all thing Arts.
For us going to a retreat it had to be a sort of a resort but then what kind of
a resort is this. I have not heard of such a place call Kepyok before. I
googled and soon got some idea of where we are going for the weekend. I
then let my mind rest for that moment in time. I always love excitement and
this is surely going to be an exciting weekend with the whole family. It not
always that we got such an opportunity to live in another home together. For
this weekend it going to be an extension of the celebration of our 55th
Anniversary which fall a day before; February 3, 2017.

Just after 2.30pm on that beautiful Saturday
afternoon I took the wheel of the Honda Accord and drove all the way to
our destination for the retreat. Our eldest daughter and her family went in
another car whereas the newlywed couple our eldest granddaughter went in their.
With me in the Honda are my spouse Asmah, daughter Lin and granddaughter
Adilah; both took charge of giving the direction to our destination. With that
taken care of I do not have to think but just to enjoy the driving. Driving to
a destination that is unknown always seem to be forever to reach but then that
is the fun of any journey. After driving for about forty minutes we got to our
distinction. I parked the Honda and looked around; it looks unreal since the
place is walled and closed. Daughter Lin assured me that we are at the right
place; it a private place unlike the other resort that we have been to. Well
that sound interesting. Daughter Lin went in through the narrow door to look
for the reception with us following behind. Now this is something new to
me since all resorts have sort of a welcoming facade with the pomp and splendor
to lure the tourist to stay but here there is none except a small Iron door.
Interesting indeed and my mind began to wonder; great this must be an exciting
place to wander. As I set foot into the compound I was awe of whatās I
saw; a large open space of greens and yet another door, this time with an
intricate Javanese design that one often see in Bali. We enter this door
and found the reception area without anyone waiting. We make ourselves
comfortable in the cozy ambiance and wait. Then the host Yasmin appears and
handover our the Kepyok; lock, stock and barrel for us to realized our dream
from that moment in time until we leave the place. It now our home away
from home!

The name Kepyok is already mystic to me and
at this moment in time it adds to that mysticism. I later found the meaning
of Kepyok; it a doorway symbolized an entrance into another space or dimension of the Javanese mystical
society. Thus, I believe the reason why the
owner of the place call it Kepyok. Now I know for sure that I am going to have an exciting time at this private resort call Kepyok. Going
through the entrance I now saw the resort itself. A whole complex, a fusion of
the Javanese architecture and its environment been transplanted into the semi
jungle part in Beranang; a very smart idea indeed. Now I thought to myself who
would have done that; surely someone with an artistic mind! Yes, I was right; I
was later told by Yasmin that her son an architect design it, thus we saw a
sprawling Balinese structure constructed with passion in this tropical jungle;
just half an hour drive from Kuala Lumpur and almost an equal distance
from KLIA. I knew that there is a fusion somewhere in the design of the
Kepyok. My mind was telling me that it not entirely Balinese but what! Now I
know that it a fusion of the Japanese and Javanese heritage; voila you have the
Kepyok, private home with its own mystic. Lots of care was taken to furnish the
interior fitting and furniture with priceless Javanese works of arts. I loved
every piece of it all. How I wished I had the space to do just that to my home.

After we all had settled down in own rooms and
took a good rest I wander around to take picture just like a tourist
does. All over I saw a fusion of plants and water features just the like
the Balinese way of nurturing water to enhanced the environment, thus creating
an aura of tradition with its own mystic. To my eyes everything was perfectly
placed to match the nook and corner of the spaces, giving it an enchanting
look. Great ambiance indeed.

Come evening we had BBQ using the wood-oven they
had construct for the guest's use. For that purpose, my spouse and the kids had
come prepared to use the facilities. There I met the owner of the Kepyok, Zack
and his wife Yasmin helping with the cooking. Yasmin had prepared her special
Pizza pastry which to me is real special. It the real taste of Pizza unlike the
fast-food Pizza that we get in the city. While Yasmin and our grand kids
did the pizza, her husband Zack took care of the baking in the specially
made outdoor wood-oven. The smell of the wood burning oven was indeed nostalgic
to me for I grew up cooking food using firewood. I am told that they had
construct the two-outdoor wood-oven from scratch. Our kids and grand-kids took
turns to BBQ the fresh foods that we had brought from home. It was here in
between getting the Pizza done that I got to know the owner and had an
interesting chat to enlighten the evening. I do envy them for having this
private home of which I could only just dream. Thanks to Zack and Yasmin folks like me
could experience living is such an enchanting home, sort of a little paradise.

The next time I am there I would surely add
a little of the Malay madness on food '' Steamy white Rice with Ikan Bakar and
Budu and Ulam '' That folks would certainly add color to the already colorful
culture of this little paradise on our doorstep.

To know more of the mysticism of this private
home one had to be there to experience it. I did enjoy every moment of my short
stay there and I believe others would too.
Have a nice day.