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Showing posts from February, 2019

Of Macro Photography...

Well I have been enjoying photography and recently have bought a new Macro Lens for my Mirrorless Camera the EOS M series. Now with the new Macro Lens I could easily do more Macro Photography. Before getting this new lens I was using my 200 mm lens which also provides means of taking a Macro Photography at a distance from far away or at least 1 meter away. Here is an image of a shot that I took using EOS Mirrorless camera using the 200 mm lens. Enjoy it folks. Have a nice day.

Snippet from Facebook # 3....

1- It a gorgeous Friday morning, bright day dan clear sky. Since I do not go out on Friday morning I am enjoying my breakfast at the Serambi and reading a book 2- Our education system must see to it that after SPM all school leaver excell in the English language; could read, write and speak well in the English language. 3- The contents of the sermon at today's Friday prayer has not change much. Just like when I first heard it 70 overs years ago at the mosque in Kuantan. What a waste of precious time where once a week folks gather together for the Friday Prayer. Would be wonderful if new information and ideas are spread to improve the quality of life of the umah! 4- It past 6pm on Sunday. It raining with thunder and it pours just like the monsoon rains in Kuantan during my childhood. Nostalgic indeed. Sitting at the Serambi brought back beautiful memories of those days when there was no electricity and running water. We kids would play in the rain care less of the world...

The Moon in the Morning....

The Moon that I snap this morning from Ampang Jaya, Malaysia; Mondayā€Ž, ā€ŽFebruaryā€Ž ā€Ž25ā€Ž, ā€Ž2019 8:57 AM - 1/1250 sec. f/6.3 200mm Iso 320. Enjoy it folks. Have a nice dayyy

Snippet from Facebook #2...

 1-I t almost 7pm, both Tam and Kenet are enjoying their dinner. I had a early dinner and now continue reading at the Serambi. On a small table near me is a cup of black Coffee. As usual at this time of the day many cars passes by in front of the house, folks getting home after a hard day works. It getting dark and soon it would be the Magrib prayer and then the beginning of the day in the Islamic culture. For in Islam the day starts after the sun set and not when the sun rise as in the western culture. The last prayer of the five prayers in a day in the Asar prayer and not the Insyak prayer as some folks would think. Well I am stopping now for the Magrib prayer.. 2 -It hot and humid at the Serambi. I could see the sky with think clouds so we can expect rain in late afternoon. It would be nice if it rain. I love the rain and would welcome every drops of the sky juice. This morning l wanted to renew my road tax. First went to Ambank to extend my car insurance for another year b...

Snippet from Facebook #1...

1- February 9, 2019. On this gorgeous Saturday morning after the ritual of feeding the cats, the fish and putting a plate of cut apples and bread into the bird feeder I sat down on my favourite chair and think of rearranging the little Serambi and give it a new looks. After doing it for a while I remember I am yet to have my breakfast so I stop and went to the kitchen, got a cup of Ensure and cold tea and head back to continue my work. After a few try here and there it beginning to take shapes. I then went to the kitchen again to check on the laundry and then to took a shower. Refreshed I decided to go for some Meehoon goreng, a leftover from yesterday, heat it in the Microwave oven and enjoy it at the Serambi.... 2-I wanted to throw away this old chair all scratched by the cats Tam and Kenet. It their favourite chair to scratch their nails. While rearranging the Serambi I put it to one side. Then I saw both of them looking for it and went scratching. So now...

The Planet! ...

  I was out looking for the crescent moon this morning [ February 12, 2019] and it was not in sight but I saw this burst of light on the eastern sky. I snap it and sharing it here. Perhaps it Mars as seen from earth on Tuesdayā€Ž, ā€ŽFebruaryā€Ž ā€Ž12ā€Ž, ā€Ž2019 7:05 AM - 1/25 sec. f/6.3 200mm - ISO 6400 using the EOS M5.  Have a nice day.

Happy Chinese New Year 2019

Have a nice day folks..