1- It a gorgeous Friday morning, bright day dan clear sky. Since I do not go out on Friday morning I am enjoying my breakfast at the Serambi and reading a book
2- Our education system must see to it that after SPM all school leaver excell in the English language; could read, write and speak well in the English language.
3- The contents of the sermon at today's Friday prayer has not change much. Just like when I first heard it 70 overs years ago at the mosque in Kuantan. What a waste of precious time where once a week folks gather together for the Friday Prayer. Would be wonderful if new information and ideas are spread to improve the quality of life of the umah!
4- It past 6pm on Sunday. It raining with thunder and it pours just like the monsoon rains in Kuantan during my childhood. Nostalgic indeed. Sitting at the Serambi brought back beautiful memories of those days when there was no electricity and running water. We kids would play in the rain care less of the world and enjoy. And we do not get sick. The roof of the house was made of attap and at time it leaks but then at that time it was a normal occurrence so folks live their life as thought nothing happened. When it get dark everyone would have a good night sleep in the cool and comfort atmosphere of the monsoon rains. Well life is like that.
5- Business is about the business of making money. So Belum apa apa lagi dah berbelaja! tu bukan business; kenduri, pecah tanah etc tak payah lah.
6- On the issue of toll on our roads just reduced it bit by bit first to easy the situations. Stop making announcements. That is old politic, we want a new culture of talk less but more actions please.

Have a nice day.