1- It not the ceremony that people want to see. The pomp and splendour means nothing to the rakyat. Living in houses within their means as well lowering their cost of living are what they are looking for.
2-It looks likes the PH government forgot the most important aspect of dealing with the rakyat. It seem their PR is totally missing. Folks this is my two cents, jangan marah!

4-This Tikar is from Sarawak, a work of art by the native. It now graces my Serambi. I believe it would last a hundred years.
5- morning attended a wedding of a grand nephew in Klang. It was a wonderful event where we get to meet close relatives
6- The rakyat has spoken again. Actually I was not surprised of the result [the Semenyih by Election where BN won]. It a loud and clear message to the Government of the day.
Have a nice day.