Before I go on narrating about the Hari Raya let me regress a bit and talk about fasting during Ramadan. Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The other four are Shahadah, Zakat, Solat and the Haj. Except for doing the Haj [Do the Haj when one could afford it] these other pillars of Islam are mandatory. According to Islam we are all born as a Muslim, its our parents that change it after birth. So that is why we say when a non Muslim want to become a Muslim we say one revert to Islam. To begin with, to be a Muslim one had only to say the Shahada, accept the Five Pillars of Islam and then conform with the norm and values of Islam. Remember we human is a Spiritual being so believing in a religion is to complete the whole. Without religion I do not believe one would be able to enjoy life to the fullest.
After completing the fasting during the whole month of Ramadan it time to celebrate the victory of going through the ritual of fasting, not eating or drinking during the day. It is in fact a spiritual journey. This year Aidil Fitri was celebrated on Sunday May 24, 2020. Because of the Covid 19 Pandemic this year celebration of the Raya took a different form because of the MCO or the Movement Control Order. The authority decides for everyone's sake its best that the auspicious day this year be celebrated at one's home in accordance with the SOP. This is to avoid the spread of the virus had one be allows to celebrate it the normal and traditional way. In another words the Social Distancing rule could be at adhered much easier thus avoid close contact, which would be risking the danger of the virus be spread. As far as I could remembered this is the first time in my lifetime that we could not celebrate the Hari Raya the way we would want including organising our own Open House. Anyway for the sake of everyone's health it best that we follows the order and celebrate it in one's home.
So we decided to celebrate the first of Syawal at our eldest daughter Ojie's home nearby. We would meet there from eleven in the morning. Other than the usual food prepared by my spouse, our eldest daughter decides to order the foods from a well known caterer, whereas our youngest daughter Lin decides to prepare her special Brownie and the Pavlova. I decided to dress in Baju Melayu as I always had on the Hari Raya. Normally we would go to the local Surau or Mosque to do the Aidil Fitri special prayer but this year such congregation prayer was not allows. At just past eleven in the morning we got to our daughter's house which is just two kilometres away. On arrival I saw the foods spread had arrived. Without much-ado we all decided to enjoy the spreads. Although the celebration was not normal, the Raya spirit was there alright.
We all did enjoyed the Raya get together at our daughter's home and as for remembrance of this special Raya we had a group photograph of all that was presence. Our second granddaughter and her husband are now working in Penang and the eldest grandson is now studying in Seattle, US. Whatever it was with the technology of the Smartphote we managed to have a group photo of sort virtually bringing everyone presence into one family Raya photo of Raya 2020. Joy and laughter was the order of the day. Nothing made the Moyang [Great grandma and Great grandpa] happier than to be with all the four generations of the Idrus Clan together in this year Raya. Alhamdullilah.
Have a nice day.

We all did enjoyed the Raya get together at our daughter's home and as for remembrance of this special Raya we had a group photograph of all that was presence. Our second granddaughter and her husband are now working in Penang and the eldest grandson is now studying in Seattle, US. Whatever it was with the technology of the Smartphote we managed to have a group photo of sort virtually bringing everyone presence into one family Raya photo of Raya 2020. Joy and laughter was the order of the day. Nothing made the Moyang [Great grandma and Great grandpa] happier than to be with all the four generations of the Idrus Clan together in this year Raya. Alhamdullilah.
Have a nice day.