Since the MCO I have not been going out for my favourite breakfast at the Mamak Restaurant. I do miss this combo which is sort of my lifeline ever since I was a child growing up in my father restaurant in Kuantan. Every morning he would prepare the Roti Canai for the many people who comes to the restaurant in the early morning for a simple breakfast of the Roti and the Tea with condensed milk. It was indeed a nutritious breakfast to start the day off. As for us kids it was a breakfast we had every morning or snack at any time of the days. So until this age I am hooked to the combo of the Roti Canai and the Tea with the condense milk, except that at that time it is just call Teh and only now it is call Teh Tarik. Anyway I have always enjoyed taking the Roti Canai with the Teh Tarik. Well folks as soon as the MCO was relax and folks were allow to go out to eat at the restaurant under an almost normal condition [with the condition of Social Distancing] I decided have an go at it. So yesterday I went to the favourite restaurant call Alif Maju at Ampang Point nearby and after getting a good table ordered the same. After awhile the Teh Tarik arrived and I took a first sip of it after such a long time; it has been a three months waits, ha ha!. Oh it tasted real good. Then as I was whiling the time away with my Smartphone the Roti Canai came with the Fork and Spoon placed in a glass of hot water to ensured it cleanness, sort of a new SOP at the restaurant. It looks like folks had to live what is now known as the New Normal because of the out break of the Convid 19 pandemic since February this year. It was tempting to see the Roti Canai still hot from frying in front of you. So without wasting any time after washing my hand using the hot water provided start eating it. Boy! it was just out of the world. So very good indeed. In between sipping the hot Teh Tarik. I always had the Roti Canai with the Teh Tarik; it the best combination. Well folks it does made my day.
Have a nice day.