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Human is a spiritual being thus science can never solved her problems.  Only spirituality could. Human should continue to evolved without the interference of science. Every aspects of Spirituality should be studied so new institutions be set up to study it further just like the west have done in pursuing science. We should remember that Human is a being with soul and not robot with AI. For Thousands of years Human has evolved without the interference of science. Through spirituality human could tamed nature like sound, water, etc. and used it at their commands and use it for their own advantages. Before the arrival of the western influences our ancestors use spirituality to cure and heal the sick. Raised heavy object. Meditation to acquire knowledge and travel long distances, like going into astral travelling. The practice Silat and the use of weapons like Kris, Santau when at war. To me there is more to spirituality than just believing in faith.  Since science creates more problems than it could solved, it is time we take the study of  spirituality seriously.  Think about it folks. This is for real. Alhamdulillah. 


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