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Showing posts from December, 2017

Traditional delights...

In the Malay culture food and its preparation is an art by itself. Simple stuff may in an instance turns into a snack for tea or dessert for after lunch or dinner. Some of the basic are the Banana, Tapioca, boiled or fried with a few ingredients added became a specialty of the day. T he other day while in Kuantan my brother had offer us some Ubi Kayu [Tapioca] that he had grown beside his house. My nephew who live there went to get it for us and we brought it to KL. Not knowing what to do with it as yet.  On our return to KL with my nephew driving we decided to take it easy and arrange to have lunch with a relative at Temerloh. I decided to call the relative just after we left Kuantan and suggested that he and his spouse meet us for lunch at Temerloh; Ikan Patin the river fish, a specialty in that part of the country was in my mind. He says on Sunday the restaurant that I referred to is closed and suggested that we go to another restaurant and give us the direction ...

Of Tourism and Cherating....

Being a Kuantanite I have been to Cherating many times and of course during my childhood and my youth Cherating have been our camping place. We would hike from the Kuantan town and camp there on the weekend; enjoying ourselves oblivious of the world.  Cherating today in no longer a quiet place like before, it is sort of a touristsā€™ destination, a destination like Bali with all the potential of becoming one. Well, with proper planning it could be just as great a destination to enjoy the sea. It not that far away from Kuala Lumpur, it just a three or four house leisure drive or an hour flight and you are there facing kilometers and kilometers of open beaches facing the vast South China Sea. And folks a very clean beach all the years round. It been kept clean by the bashing of the waves from the open sea.  There are many kinds of accommodation there that would suit everyone pocket; from the cheapest Kampong house living to the various type of chalets, to the most...

Jeruk Maman....

While stopping for lunch at Temerloh on the way back to Kuala Lumpur we got a few bunch of fresh Maman, a local fresh vegetable that could be pickle or stir-fry as a vegetable dish. By this morning my spouse had it pickled as Jeruk Maman. Above are the Maman that had been pickled.  It not that difficult to pickle the Maman. Traditionally in the Malay culture, after cutting and cleaning the Maman is put in glass container and then fresh water is added. Then add a little Nasi [cooked rice] and a little salt; if one like just add a few fresh chilli. Leaves it for a few days to ferments.  After that it could be used in the cooking of Masak Lemak with fish or just consumed as an appetizer with Sambal Belacan. Nowadays it rather difficult to get the fresh Maman in the town market; so, it is now sort of a luxury for townsfolk and I loved it.  Have a nice day.

Of Udang Galah....

Not always one gets to buy this Giant Prawn that we call Udang Galah. The other day at the Datuk Keramat wet market I bought a kilo of Udang Galah. I could not find the English name for it except that it a big Prawn like a Lobster but not a Lobster This time It cost RM40 a kilo. It can be as expensive as RM70 per kilo. Anyway, I do not care so much about the price, what is important is that I get to buy it from time to time. And that day at the normal stall that I use to buy Prawn I saw the Udang Galah; and since the size is just right I bought a kilo. Then the next day my spouse cook it the way I like it; my favorite Masak Lemak Kuning. I had it for lunch and dinner as well; it does make a wonderful meal indeed.  Have a nice day.