Last year a female alley cat came over to the house and became friendly. I shoo it off but it kept coming and slept on the chair at the Serambi [patio]. After a few weeks of doing that I found the cat was trying to find a more comfortable place to sleep. My experience with cat say that this cat is trying a safe place to give birth. I then took out a basket and laid it with old newspaper and put it under a low lying table at the Serambi. Sure enough that night she slept in that basket and later on give birth to four beautiful kitten. To help her raised the kitten we took all the kittens and the mother cat and put all in a bigger cage at the back of the house. We already have three cats so we do not want to have more. My spouse and the grandkids help to feed the kittens. Later on we decided to spay the mother cat so that she would not continue to have kittens. At the same time as the kitten grows and could eat solid food we decided to get folks to adopt it. We put up notice on Facebook and also the help of a friend who love animals, a Miss Eeelyn. Together we tried to get the kittens taken for adoption. While waiting we saw one female kitten gone missing and later one a male die. Eventually someone saw our posting on Facebook and adopt one of the female kitten. The other male one we give it to a neighbor of one of our kid at Jalan 4B nearby. Months later we saw a kitten that looks like the one we lost. We check and found that it was indeed that kitten but has grow up. We just kept quiet as not to offend the neighbour who took the kitten. As she continue to grow she kept coming to the house and became friendly to one of our cat the Boyboi. We allow her to come into the house and at time feed her. One evening I found her at the front of the house. To get to the front she had to take a long journey passing the adjacent house and look for our entrance. Somehow she found it. It looks like she knew where she was born and found a way to see and come to our house. Now she is a frequent visitor to our abode. The above picture shows that cat sleeping on the Kopitiam table at our Serambi. Even animals knows how to show gratitude, lovely.
Have a nice day.