Folks let me relate of a wonderful happening to me at the Datuk Keramat
Wet Market one morning a few weeks ago; my first visit there after six months. The Datuk Keramat Wet Market is a market where I get my supply of Fish, Poultry, Meat and Fresh Vegetable for the last thirty years. Since my immobility because of sickness I was not able to go there. Now that I am back and a bit healthy my
spouse asks me to get a few items at the market and since I still could not drive the car that I to take get the
driver to drive me there. At 9.30am on that day I went to the market and on arrival at the market the driver
insisted that he follow me along into the market. Well, with him by my
sight I straight away went to look for the items to buy and order what I
wanted. What surprised me most as I walk along that all the vendors
that I had interact in this market at least once in two weeks for all the year before of my immobility, was
surprise and happy to see me there; asking why I have not been seen in
the market. I stop to shake hands with them all and told them that since
August last year I was sick and only now that I am able to move around.
They said with happy faces that they were glad to see me again. I did
not expect them to notice my absent since I only went to the market to
buy things that I needed but was surprised that they do notice my absent
for the last six months. Because of that instead of just buying a few
items I stop to chat like old times since I had always treated those
vendors as friends rather just a seller of produces. I always spend time
to chat with them whenever I am there to buy things; little did I
realized that the bonding was strong between those vendors and me; it
shows on this first visit to this Wet Market after six months. The
Driver who was watching the happening as he follows me around was
himself surprise that I was so popular in this Wet Market. I told him
that I have been coming here for more than thirty years and I always
treated them as friends and that I too was surprised with the happening
that he notices. Folks it does made my day. People do care when we treat
them as equal and give due respect to them. What a wonderful world we
live in.
Have a nice day.
Have a nice day.