love photography and it my hobby since I retired some twenty over years ago. If
fact it a passion. Now that I could afford to get better camera; starting from
the normal Digital camera then move on to the DSLR and now to the Mirrorless
Camera it does made easier to do photography, my way. I now own the Canon EOS
M10 and M05 with an additional Telephoto lens the 200mm. I give all the DSLR
which heavy to my grandson to play around. The Mirrorless camera is much
lighter with interchangeable lens which is much easy to carry along. Thus, I am
always with my cameras to capture the best as I know how. I am still learning
the best way to do photography and happy with the new knowledge that I acquire
along the way. About is an image that I took using the Canon EOS M10. It sorts
of a night photography that I did last year. That picture is taken from a
moving car in the city of Kuala Lumpur. Enjoy it folks much as I had enjoyed
taking that image.
Have a nice day.