It was once in 151 years happening; the full moon and the eclipse happening at same time.
The date January 31,2018 around 6.30pm to 11pm. So, I waited for the day and
time to come and planned to take a few shots of that historic event, but the
sky was cloudy all-night long. It was not possible to see the moon, so I
decided to forget about it and went to sleep. I woke up early and found the sky
was clear with a gorgeous skyline and the moon was there glowing in the gray morning, up to the north west of the skyline. I then took my camera, the Canon EOS
M5 with the 200mm lens and went out to the front of the house and took a few
shots of the beautiful moon that greet the morning of February 1, 2018.
It was
nice to see the moon in the early morning. As usual the feeling of the morning
was good; I could smell the fresh air and felt good on this February morning.
Here are some images that I took that morning. Enjoy it folks much as I had
enjoyed snapping it.
Have a nice day.