The Kenanga flowers in front of my house. The tree is more than 45 years old. I got the young plant from a friend in Terengganu and planted it outside my fence. It grew tall but I kept trimmings it so that it did not grow too tall, as well let it kept blooming throughout the years. The flowers give a fresh soothing fragrance that reaches my Serambi. Friends and strangers often ask for the flowers and I always obliges. In fact I have wakaf the flowers so that folks are free to take it wherever they need it especially for medicinal purposes. Many ask for seedling but this is one plant that is not easily to propagate. It got no seed thus the only way is to bud grafted it and even that it not easy. I have successfully done it and given the young plants to relatives and friends. Well folks I love this plant and it does served us well.. The Kenanga!
Have a nice day.