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Ubi Kayu dan Kelapa...

The weather has been unpredictable. All of a sudden it may rains. It pours for hours and stop. Now at past 2pm it cloudy. Nice to sit at the Serambi to while the time away with a hot Kopi O. Yesterday I got some Ubi Kayu or Tapioca and now enjoying it the traditional way with finely  graded coconut slightly sweeten. I love to enjoy it that way. Not always but a once a while affair getting in touch with the past. During the Japanese occupation of Malaya from 1941 to 1945 it was the staple foods for most folks since rice was almost nonexistent. Because of having too much tapioca there were malnutrition among the population which led to deceases including Scavy.  I was born in 1939 so it was the period I grew up, watching the Japanese flags flown everywhere. Our family had rice all throughout the occupation because my father run a Kedai Nasi and could get the supply of rice. I start school in 1946 after the war. As usual at that time the Malay went to the Malay school. At that time it was call Sekolah Pondok. Anyway after 2 years in the Malay school  I got into the Special Malay class for two years, a condition to prepare us to study at the English school. Well now Ubi Kayu rebus or goreng or prepared into other traditional kueh are for Tea time or at party. It now something special. Like now I am enjoying it with Black Coffee,  heaven indeed.  

Have a nice day


Syazni Rahim saidā€¦
My late atok's fav dish. Reading this makes me miss him. My atok, the sweetest man in my life, may Allah granted him with blessing and forgiveness. And for Pak Idrus, I hope you will be in a good health in this unpredictable weather too ;)
Pak Idrus saidā€¦
Syaz Rahim, thanks for the visit and the good words on your Atok. I am indeed glad that you had fond memories of him. May Allah blessed his soul. As for me I am blessed to be in such good health [sihat sihat orang tualah] and continue to enjoy life surrounded with the loved one. As for the weather it was never like this belore and I believed it because of global warming. So we need to do our part in any small ways we could to keep the weather in good health.

Have a nice day.
Howard saidā€¦
I am now hungry after reading your post !!
Pak Idrus saidā€¦
Howard, thanks for the visit. Ha Ha. Ubi Kayu! Well when you are back here I would get the Ubi Kayu and we can enjoy it at my house in Ampang Jaya.

Have a nice day.

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