start blogging in 2003. Had it not for blogging I would not have met so many
remarkable man and woman; strangers who later became my friends. The
friendship that starts in the virtual world became complete when we met in the
physical world. After I retired in 1990 after working in the government for 32
years I actually was trying to lie low and enjoy life just like that but when I took
to blogging my whole journey of life was transformed into a new
reality. A reality that I never thought would be possible. I had always love to
help people in one way or the other; my work in the Ministry
of Culture, Youth and Sports give me that opportunity where I help to train the
young in various aspect of leadership. So when I retired through blogging I
found I could extend that by sharing my thoughts through writing with a simple
hopes that the ideas and information that I share would help whoever read
my blog. My first Blog Pak Idrus's Post [In Passing Malaysian] which contain
more than 1400 posting was put as a Private Blog and thus no long seen by the
public. With that I started this new blog and now renamed it as ''Pak Idrus's
Blog; a Life's Journey. Here I would post any subjects that I like and hope
that visitors would continue to benefit from it. At this age my like and
dislike has changes somewhat so I would only write things that I think would be
of benefit to all. I do hopes that visitors would leave comment which
would act as a feedback of my writing. Before Facebook I would get many
visitors but now not that many as before but I do go on blogging for writing is
a passion and it for my personal satisfaction. If others enjoy reading it I
happy with it.
It changing time and some Blogger have move to Facebook and no
longer blog but from what I notice there are real Blogger out there who still
write and I am happy with their determination just like me, enjoying blogging.
Keep it up folks and enjoy blogging. We must remember whatever posted on FB
does not last and could not be found when a search is done but everything
posted on Blog would be there as contents on the Web. It could be found
whenever one search for information and ideas. Just search and one would
find the past posting on Blogs. With the closing of my FB account I would be
blogging more and more and that is good for my mental faculty. Bantering on FB
at time gets tense and depressing thus itās not good for my health. That is one
reason why I stop Facebooking. I want to enjoy whatever I am doing and blogging
did just that. There is no use getting into a debate like in FB which at time
left one depressed which in a way does not benefit anyone.
Well folks life is
like that; so be happy and keep enjoying whatever you are doing and live that
moment in time. Have a nice day.