It has been a cloudy day and now at past 3.00 pm on a Wednesday afternoon suddenly the Sun shines bright. I felt real good sitting at the Serambi. See what a difference our environment became when both Rain and the Sun appears at almost the same time! It charges the atmosphere to be positive. During my childhood days parents do not allows their kids to play in the open during Hujan Panas [when it rains and the Sun shines at the same time], they may get sick. Another aspect of Hujan Panas in those days is that it often relates to someone Mati berdarah! [human die because of killing] Perhaps only folks of my generation are aware of these belief. In a traditional society every belief had it beginning in our history for some reasons. Perhaps Mati berdarah happens during the war or during the Japanese Occupation where many ordinary folks get killed. It is because of the unnatural death that folks associate it with death with blood. It was common during the Japanese occ...
Sharing my thoughts.