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A trip to Penang...

To help the economy bounce back we decide to do our part by spending. It the little thing we the ordinary folks could do, for spending and the multipliers effect could in a small way create jobs for the population. The Covid19 pendemic has somewhat reduce employment among the youth of the country and that includes the hospitality industries. So we decided to go for a holiday, this time to Penang. Last Thursday with daughter Lin driving the Accord we left KL at 7.30am to avoid the rain as well the traffic jam. We just stop at a few rest areas and had refreshments in the car only to avoid delay in getting to the island. At 4.30pm we were already on the new bridge heading for Bayan Lepas where our second granddaughter live. It was a smooth ride to her condo near the Health clinic where she works. We had lunch and took a good rest before proceeding to our hotel at Batu Peringgi. We arrived at the hotel just before 3pm and noticed the reception are crowded with tourists. We took a seat  while daughter Lin took care with the registration. We were later told that the twin rooms we request is not ready and that we had to wait till 4.30pm. As a courtesy the Assistant Manager took us to the waiting area and provides us with sort of complimentry high tea while we wait. We while the time there and eventually got our rooms on the fourth floor. It was a huge rooms with a common area with dinning space. Later our granddaughter brought foods and we decide to just enjoy the the dinner there. The next day after breakfast we decided to move to another resort not that far away with better facilities also at Batu Peringgi where we spend two nights. We got an extra room for our granddaughter and her husband.  Our grandson tag along and share a room with me. So it was sort of a family get together. The weather was kind to us, so we had a great time at the beach. To regress a little, I notice at both hotels that we stayed the majority of guests are the Melayu family with many kids. They had brought along their aged parents too. I notice the numbers at 95 percent Melayu during breakfast and at the cekin and cekout time at both hotels. How interesting! I was delighted  to see the numbers of middle class Melayu doing their bits in helping the hospitality industry back into business again. In a way it shows the success of the DEB. As a government officer that was involved in the planning and implementing the New Economics Policy from the early seventies I am indeed happy to get to see the success of the DEB. Alhamdulillah. 

Have a nice day. 


Syaz Rahim saidā€¦
Happy holiday Pak Idrus šŸ˜Š

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