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In Coma-Spiritual Journey...

I thought and thought and thought whether I should share this rare moment in my life. It about my personal space that happens when I was in a Coma for a week after the surgery on August 26, 2015. After much deliberation with myself, God willing I am sharing it here. During the period I was in Coma I did not know anything of what happens to my physical body. Only my loved one and relatives who was at my bedside could tell what happens. A few months after I return to my home I managed to get some information from a relative who made constant contact by WhatsApp to my two daughters throughout the period I was in Coma. I learn later that I lost blood and had blood transfusion, my lung did not function and they had to use a Respirator to keep me breathing, they had  to pump  me  with various drugs and of  course keep the liquid in my body by the drips; despite that I  lost 15 kilos in that one week. Thus I could understand how frantic the situation was with my loved one, all stress up and depressed to the extreme until I woke up almost a week later. Till today I did not ask my wife, daughters and grandchildren of what happens during the time I was in coma. I did not want them to relived those period of agony. Anyway my wife did say I was at one point in a critical condition. I thank immensely all my loved one and relatives for been there during the trying times. No words could convey my sincere thoughts for their loves.

Here what happens. Folks, as soon as I was anesthetized for the surgery this is what I remember vividly till now. For the want of a better word I shall describe it as a Spiritual journey to describe the happening. I was on the bed and was moving from one place to another in a tranquil environment in peace and harmony. The whole surrounding was in soft light and beautiful. Although my physical body was in pain [I  later  learn] the spiritual journey was a beautiful trip where I did not feel any pain at all. My mind was peaceful, calm and serene and in harmony with the situation; in a space without time and distance. In a few words it was simply beautiful and placid. I kept moving and in one moment I had a glimpse of my loved one. I kept on moving and moving and saw some images of box like images been unfolded one by one smoothly as I go along and continue to move slowly. Then I came to a stop; a few moments later I woke up and saw the environment of the hospital with my physical body all strap-up and wired with tubes and my loved one around the bed. In the real world it was more than a week, for when I woke up it was September 2015 but the period of my spiritual journey to my mind was just a moment in times; it was just a glimpse; short and sweet. And now I am still recuperating and getting better by days. Perhaps God has other plan for me and that heaven can wait.

Thanks folks for your prayers. Appreciate it.

Have a nice day.


May you be closer to God and your family after the experience
Pak Idrus saidā€¦
These are comments on Facebook...

Ahmad Dalimi Kaser As-salam bang -- I took sometime reading your writing on the blog. Yes heaven can wait and that God has other plans for you. Meanwhile stay healthy and enjoy your life with the loved one to the fullest. God bless you bang. Wassalam.

Yati Harvey
Yati Harvey Thank you for sharing Pak Idrus.Many people have written on similar experience but yours is the best....itself is one of the many plans God has for you.

Adrina Omar
Adrina Omar Was it what they called 'near death experience'?
Pak Idrus saidā€¦
Wan Sharif, thanks for the visit and the good words. I believe it a gift and I treasured it. I shall continue to do good and give love always as the good lord always wanted me to do. Have a nice day.
seniorsaloud saidā€¦
I think most folks who have been through a similar experience can identify with what you went through. For me, coming back to the real world was like speeding through a long tunnel towards a bright light at the end of it. You are blessed to have made it through back to your loved ones. Life is truly precious. May we all value each moment we have.
Unknown saidā€¦
Pak, All the while I use to read this types of things from the experiences of others. I was skeptical. But after reading from your experience I am more convinced that we have indeed a soul and we do not have to be afraid of what's on the other side. God has indeed a place for us for eternity.

Poh Syee Wha
Pak Idrus saidā€¦
Poh syee Wha. I was never afraid of dying. I always say that if I wake up I am happy and if I did not I am happy as well. When I was in that comatose situation I was considered near death. My family have informed all friends and relatives that I was in a critical situation. As I had describe in the blog I was somewhere else and happy; more than a week in the physical world was just a glimpse in the spiritual world. Yes we all are going to the same place after all we are made of energy and energy move on and on whereas our physical body [the container] is made of recycled stardusts and returned to the earth to be recycled again and again. Yes God love us and know what's best for us. Ameen.

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