Folks, these are beautiful thoughts from our eldest granddaughter Afiqah Aminuddin who just graduated [July 7, 2015] as a Medical Doctor from the University of Manchester.

" Well
its goodbye for now, Manchester. You have taught me so many things i
never knew. I did not just earned a degree in Medicine, it was more than
I learnt to grown up, i
learnt to take care of myself, i learnt to be away from my family and
persevered with it, i learnt that this world is such a scary place to
live in, i learnt to treasure friends who love me for who i am and move
on from those who dont.I learnt that people do change from living
abroad, having different lives from before they came here, but im glad i
am still the same.
I learnt when to trust and not to trust, and I learnt to never expect of what u give. I learn that sometimes sensibility is a very rare character of a human being, I learned to forgive easier, i learnt to love and care for people, more wisely. Most of all, i learnt to appreciate all things i had in life before I came here.
So for now my time is done here, ive decided to come home and serve my country, to give back and to be closer to my loved ones. I know some of you might call me silly for not choosing the UK to work/ settle down, or warning me that i would regret this decision i made, just dont worry guys, i just have this feeling that going home would be better for me š.
So bye bye Manchester, thank you for all of those bittersweet memories, the experiences, which made me the person I am today. Alhamdulillah.
Okay! touchy feely stuff over, now wheres this SPA, KKM form i have to fill in?š "
BTW She is my granddaughter. Her mom is our eldest daughter.