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Belimbing Buluh....

It is not that easy to get this fruits since it is not always sold in the market as the demand is not that great. So when one need to use it in some traditional dishes where the fruits would give a special flavor to the dish one have to look high and low for it. One way is to go to where a tree is planted and ask the owner for the fruits. Most of the time the owner would just say take it but one just could not do that all the times. So some years ago I decided to plant the tree in front of our house, outside the gate. It grows well indeed and would bear plenty of fruits when the weather is hot. Most of the time there are too many fruits and if not taken would fall to the ground. Since this fruit is sour and acidic even the birds or small animals does not eat it so if not taken it would just go to waste. At time I just give it away to the neighbor or would offer to others who want it to take it right from the tree. As for us we use it in the making of Sambal Belacan [Shrimp paste sauce] or as an-add on for the special curry that we make for Nasi Dagang or in the Tumis with Shrimp or Anchovies or in the traditional Ikan Singgang. It really taste good in these dishes. Some folks would turn the fruits into a special sauce that is call Sambal Hitam, a traditional sauce originated from the state of Pahang. We did it too from time to time and kept it for months and use it as an appetizer. Now the tree in front of our house is full of the fruits and this morning I took a small pail full of it. It came at the right time just before the Eid Fitri where we often make the sauce for the gravy of the some special dishes of that special day. Above are the fruits at the tree in front of our house, so fresh and just ripe for the add-on for any dishes.  

Have a nice day.


Howard saidā€¦
Salaam dari ulu Michigan! I remember the nice fish dishes in Banda Aceh that used the belimbing from the tree in Cut Niah's garden!

Have a very nice and blessed Hari Raya, Pak Idrus and Kak Asmah!

Howard and Pat Yamaguchi
Fadhil saidā€¦
Salam Pak Idrus,

I used to have a similar belimbing buluh tree in my front yard and it fruits plentifully just like those shown in your pics. To the extent that many fall to the ground to rot.

I also once posted an article on my tree and someone suggested I try use them to make sambal hitam Pahang. I tried doing so, just using a given recipe, and then posted a picture of the finished product. My friend said it didn't look dark enough, hehe...

The tree is no longer there, being victim to internal termite infestation. I hope to replant another one soon.
Yati WTL saidā€¦
Masak lemak belimbing with nice.

Selamat Hari Raya Pak Idrus
Pak Idrus saidā€¦
Howard, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. Maybe you can try planting this in Ulu Mechigan eh!.

Thanks for the raya greeting. Bila hendak balik ke Ulu Damansarah.

Have a nice day.
Pak Idrus saidā€¦
Oldstock. Thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. Well. Yes when it bear fruits there would be plenty of it and most would go to waste unless we make Sambal Hitam or dry it for later use. Sayang so I freeze some too lah.

I managed to get two seedling from the last season fruits and it growing well and getting bigger by days. I may plant it somewhere else so that others may be able to get their supply of this kadang kandang ada kadang kadang tak ada fruits.

Have a nice day.
Pak Idrus saidā€¦
Yati WTL, thanks for the raya greeting; same to you.

Yesterday our second granddaughter under the supervision of Nenek masak Lemak the Belimbing but with Ikan. Everyone did enjoy it.

Have a nice day and take care.

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