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Showing posts from June, 2015

That Squirrel; Jatoq!...

S ome years ago we took in a sick baby Squirrel that had fallen from a tree and nursed it to a healthy baby. It then grow bigger by days and became tame and friendly. We name it Jatoq a Malay words which mean Fall. As it grow bigger we soon found that we could no longer let it live at our little garden in front of our patio. Afraid that it may be caught by other bigger animals we decided to move it to a bigger compound at our daughter's house nearby. We were sad to part with it but because of its safety we had to move it to a safer area. It took to the new surrounding well and start running around but in evening would come back to its cage. As days goes by it did not return. We all felt very sad since we got somewhat emotionally attached to it but eventually we got to accept that it for its safety that we let it go and continue to live in its own habitat and not caged. A friends told us that animals often remember and it or its offspring would eventually retur...

Redo the Serambi...

After the recent minor repair to the ceiling of the front part of the house I decided to redo the Serambi [patio] and now this is how it look.  Have a nice day.

The Healing Power of Water...

Inspired by this book ' The Hidden Messages of Water ' by Marasu Emoto and reflecting on my long journey of life, I am writing this so as to open up our hearts and minds to the power of water in our lives. Water is very important to our survival; seventy percent of our body contain water so it is important to learn more about it and give due respect to it. On this book it all start with a conversation I had with Steven V-I Lee a fellow blogger some years ago. While having breakfast at a restaurant with my spouse and I Steven brought up the subject of this book. He say that I must read it and that he would send a copy to me when he gets back to the UK. When he return to the UK he send me the book and I start reading. As usual with me I analyses the content and after some soul searching I found that what the author Dr. Masaru Emoto say in this book is actually nothing new. The only different is that this doctor did many experiments with water to prove to the scientifi...

Of Stalls @ KLCC...

It was a cool day so I decides to take a drive to KLCC, my favorite lepak place. It is just a five minutesā€™ drive away from my home. After parking my car at the basement took the lift to Level C. The firsts thing one see at this level are the many stalls in the center of the concourse selling all kinds of goods. With artistically displayed the good turns the stalls into a colorful work of art. Nice to look and I believe it does attract buyer too. I snap some images as I walk from one corner of the concourse to the other. The purpose of my visit today after a lapse of months was to go to the Kinokuniya Bookstore at Level four to see whether there are books that would add to my reading collection. After window-shop as well looking for hat at a few outlets and did not  find any that I like at level C and G I took the lift to level four and went into the bookstore. There were already many people looking for books and a few seen queuing to makes paymen...

Night Photography...

I am still learning the best way to do night photography. Last night I saw the  moon and other planets bright against the night sky. There was the crescent Moon and the planet Venus seen bright up above.  I took my camera, fixed it with the telephoto lens and snap a few shots. It did came out alright and I am sharing it here for all to see. The first image is that of  the Moon as seen at 9.07pm and below it are the other planets. The next image is that of the Planet Venus as seen at 9.016pm above my house.  Enjoy it folks.  Have a nice day.

Buka Puasa or Breaking of Fast...

During Ramadan to us grandparents the best moment in time is during the Buka Puasa [the time of Breaking the Fast] just after sunset when all the kids and grand kids are around. This year all our grand kids are in the country and were able to break the fast together at our home. To me it was the best moment in time and I did enjoy it. Above is an image of the refreshment ready for the breaking  of the fast.  Have a nice day.

Respecting the Plants...

I have always love the plants. During my childhood my playground was the bushes under the Rubber trees in the vicinity of the house. The bushes was my dream world and it was there I learn the names of plants and it uses in the traditional Malay society. At that time it was just a fun place to play with relatives and friends, nothing more and yet to understand the real value of the specie Plant. As I grow up and have more knowledge I slowly began to understand the power of the plants and it relationship of the survival of the other species on planet earth. We all need energy to survive on planet earth and that energy come from the Sun. The only specie that could convert the sun's energy into foods is the Plant. Without the plants all other species could not survived on this planet. And of course without the plants there would be no oxygen that is vital to our survival. Our specie now takes all kind of meat other that vegetable to get the sun's energy. By taking meat mean th...

Bottle-Brush Flower..

In photography we learn all the times. Its an art that continue to evolve as we move on with new equipments and knowledge. In the past before the coming of the Digital Camera we are restricted to taking the maximum of 36 image with a roll of film thus we are careful and selective to take photo because it costly to take more. Today with the Digital Camera we can take as many photo as possible limit only with the memory with had on the card. It is amazing how the evolution of picture taking has gone through in the last 25 years. We learn new technique of how to get a good picture. Two years ago I bought a new Telescopic lens which could be converted into a Micro Lens with just a switch for doing Macro Photography. I did not know that it was possible to do Macro Photography with a telescopic lens not until a friend show me of how he managed to get a close-up of objects that is at a distance with his telescopic lens. I had been doing Macro Photography with my Micro Lens and the result ...

Just Rambling...

I start blogging in 2003. Had it not for blogging I would not have met so many remarkable man and woman; strangers who later became my friends. The friendship that starts in the virtual world became complete when we met in the physical world. After I retired in 1990 after working in the government for 32 years I actually was trying to lie low and enjoy life just like that but when I took to blogging my whole journey of life was transformed into a new reality. A reality that I never thought would be possible. I had always love to help people in one way or the other; my work  in  the  Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports give me that opportunity where I help to train the young in various aspect of leadership. So when I retired through blogging I found I could extend that by sharing my thoughts through writing with a simple hopes that the ideas and information that I share would help whoever read my blog. My first Blog Pak Idrus's Post ...